Game: Draw Your Date

Here’s a fun one for the brave, try drawing your date!

Get them to draw you too of course, so you can both be equally embarrassed (or be equally impressed). You can use paper, but if you don’t have any to hand or like to keep it digital, use this template we’ve conveniently prepared:


(Not sure how to do this easily on your phone?)

Method 1

  1. Hold the image with your finger to save it to your gallery.

  2. Go to your gallery and open the image in any app that lets you draw (most photo editors can do this).

Method 2

  1. Screenshot the image (on iPhone X and up, press the lock and volume buttons together, on iPhone 8 and below, press the lock button and home buttons together. On Android, press the power and volume down buttons together for a few seconds).

  2. On iPhone you can then draw directly onto the image. On Android, click edit first, and then have fun.

Method 3 - Wildcard

  1. Save the image to your gallery.

  2. Open it in the Instagram Story Editor.

  3. Draw your date.

  4. Share it, tagging your date, and amaze your social network with your artistic skills.

*** Using Inner Circle during the COVID-19 outbreak ***

The spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) may present a risk to those meeting offline in some regions. At Inner Circle, we are encouraging all of our members to stay informed and follow the World Health Organisation guidelines.

Please take the most up to date information from your local health authority into account when deciding to meet anyone via our platform over the coming weeks, and avoid any unnecessary risk. 

Popular spots, amazing events, and with every member screened, Inner Circle is the dating app built from the ground up to help you Meet your match.

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