There Is No Such Thing As A Bad Date... Here’s Why

It’s normal to feel bad after a first date. You can feel like you’ve wasted your time, wasted someone elses time, or even like you’re not good enough. In fact there are so many ways a bad date can be demoralising that the list is going to stop here so no one feels bad just from reading this. But however a date goes, there is always something to take away. Here’s what you can learn:

Something about them

Dating is fundamentally about meeting new people, and everyone has something to offer. But even if you’re stuck at a bar with the worst person you’ve ever met, at least you end up with a story to tell your friends. There is no way to come out of a date and not be a winner in some way. 

Something about you

What you like (and what you don’t) on a date is an insightful way to learn about yourself. If you’re put off by someone’s overly negative attitude, maybe you have a positive outlook. If you’re not finding their jokes very funny, maybe it’s because you care strongly about a subject. Think about the people you’ve met that you didn’t click with, and there’s probably something there to learn about you.

Somewhere new in the area

Your date was awful, you didn’t learn anything about them other than they’re the worst, and you found out nothing about yourself that you didn’t already know. There’s still light in the dating tunnel. At the absolute minimum, you now know if the bar/cafe/restaurant you went to was any good.

One step closer to what you’re actually after

Every experience is a step on a journey. One bad date takes you one step closer to a good one, and then maybe THE one. But you have to start somewhere, meet cute’s are cute, but leaving your life up to chance is not. So download The Inner Circle here, and get out there and date!

*** Using The Inner Circle during the COVID-19 outbreak ***

The spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) may present a risk to those meeting offline in some regions. At The Inner Circle, we are encouraging all of our members to stay informed and follow the World Health Organisation guidelines. Please take the most up to date information from your local health authority into account when deciding to meet anyone via our platform over the coming weeks, and avoid any unnecessary risk.

The Inner Circle is the dating app for actual dates. With popular spots, incredible events, and each profile manually verified, you can reach out and get together in real life.